What’s happening? Does anyone have a clue? Not me. I am struggling through a sense of being completely blank-minded over the last two months. First, there was the terrorist attack in Mumbai, now popularly known as 26/11. Then there was the Satyam fiasco, then again the euphoria surrounding Slumdog Millionaire. And in between these huge events, a normal guy (that’s me) is trying to do his work.


It’s been quite a whirlwind of activity on my work front since the global crisis began in September at the fall of Lehmann Brothers. It’s been frantic action with nights after nights being spent at work burning the proverbial midnight oil. The gym kits been locked away safely to feel suitably ignored, the movie theatres have been shunned away, eating out have come down to a trickle. Its been work on weekends and the dreary prospect of the annual assessments now looms large. Regardless of the action, it’s been a bad year, and the future looks questionable.


There is a general sense of depression, with every day being the same blur that it was yesterday. Survival seems to be the key. Is it? Maybe not. Maybe. Who knows.


The Nostradamus in me predicts this gloom to last for about 3 years, but somewhere I just wish that it goes soon. I would like to be Alice in Wonderland yet again!

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